
让 Ohly 的特种酵母提取物和酵母基风味——咸味、烤肉味、肉味和熏味——改善您的生活滋味。少盐、少糖或味精替代物——总有一款产品适合您。天然、素食且无过敏原,已通过清真食品和犹太洁食认证。寻找更多口味?通过使用 OHLY PRODRY® 粉末,您可以轻松打造各种味道:辣味、辛辣、甜味或酸味。

Explore our products

Quality comes first

One of our core values is quality – and a commitment to high standards runs throughout everything we do.

Manufacturing facilities, processes, final product…it’s all subject to strict checks to make sure those high standards are maintained. At least once a year, our sites and facilities are audited by different customers and independent third parties. As a result, we hold certifications from several organisations.

Plus, as technology develops, so do we, striving to improve our products again and again – setting higher standards.

Examine our quality standards

Why choose Ohly for your yeast-based ingredients?

When you use our yeast-based products, you’re benefiting from almost 200 years of expertise. We’ve been constantly refining our processes since 1836, making sure our customers get the very best products available.

You’ll also benefit from our complete dedication to customer service to enable you to act swiftly in your dynamic market. However specific your requirements are, our team offers knowledge, data and materials to support you in your recipe or process development.

This is only possible due to the immense skill and knowledge of our team. They make certain that we’re responding to changing tastes and technological advancements, so we can continue to make food better.