
Ohly 网站不存储或收集个人信息,而只会记录用户的 IP 地址(互联网协议:允许在两台设备之间传输数据的标准),网络服务器会自动识别该地址。Cookies:本网站使用 Cookie 收集用户信息;网站除收集网站系统管理所需信息外,不会收集任何有关您的信息。这些 Cookie 是您访问某个网站时创建的数据片段


本网站使用 Cookie 收集用户信息;网站除收集网站系统管理所需信息外,不会收集任何有关您的信息。这些 Cookie 是您访问某个网站时创建的数据片段

本网站使用 Cookie 收集用户信息;网站除收集网站系统管理所需信息外,不会收集任何有关您的信息。这些 Cookie 是您访问某个网站时创建的数据片段,包含一个唯一的匿名号码。它们被存储在硬盘驱动器的 Cookie 目录中,在会话结束时也不会过期。


如果您注册我们的信息中心,您的信息会保存在安全的服务器上,数据不会与 Ohly 以外的任何组织共享。它仅用于向您提供您订购的任何电子产品,发送有关您要求的主题的最新电子邮件,或向您邮寄信息(如果您要求提供该项服务)。

该隐私声明仅涵盖我们的网站 www.ohly.com 和该域名的子网站。该隐私声明不涵盖与此域名链接的其他网站。

Ohly 可能会使用它持有的信息预防和检测欺诈行为。我们也可能会出于同样的目的与处理公共资金的其他组织分享此类信息。 

如果您有任何疑问,请致电 +44 (0)1733 555032 联系 Ohly

Who are we?

This website www.ohly.com (the “Website”) is owned and operated by Ohly GmbH and Ohly Americas, members of the ABF Ingredients Group (called in this notice “we”, “our” or “us”).

Purpose of this notice

This privacy notice tells you about the information we collect about you when you visit our Website or otherwise provide us with information.

It also tells you how you can exercise Your Rights (including the right to object to some of the data handling we carry out). More information about your rights and how you can exercise them is set out in the “Your Rights” section below.

What personal data do we collect?

Site traffic data and information about your computer

How do we use this data?

When you browse our Website, we use cookies to collect:

  • Information about your use of our Website – we collect standard internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns.
    • We use this information to record visitor numbers, their use of different areas of the Website and any useful features or links. We do not use this information in any way that would identify you personally.
    • We use a third party, Google Analytics, to collect this information but it is only processed in a way which does not identify anyone. We do not make, and do not allow Google to make, any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website
  • Information about your computer; this includes your IP address, operating system and browser type.
    • We use this information to help maintain the security of our Website and to identify trends so that we can improve its performance.
    • We also use this information to customise the Website according to your interests and to ensure the Website’s content is presented as effectively as possible for you and to enable you to participate in interactive features of the Website, when you choose to do so.
    • We do not use this information in any way that would identify you personally.

Data we collect using non-essential cookies is used on the basis of your consent. Any other information that we collect about your use of our Website is used on the basis that this is necessary for the purpose of our legitimate interests in maintaining and managing our Website and ensuring its security.

For more information about how we use cookies on our Website, see our Cookies Policy.

How long do we keep this information for?

We will only keep information about your visit to our Website for as long as is necessary for the purposes we’ve mentioned. Typically we delete user browsing information every 14 months.

Who do we share this information with?

We share information about visitors to our Website with service providers who help us administer and manage the Website.

Where do we transfer this information to?

We protect your privacy by entering into EU approved contractual clauses with service providers operating outside the EEA. If you require further information about these safeguards, please contact us.

Information you send us

How do we use this data?

You do not have to supply us directly with any information when you use our Website. If you choose to use our ‘Contact Us’ e.g. for use our “Sample Request” feature or otherwise get in touch with us, we will use the information you send us for the purpose of responding to your enquiry, e.g. to answer your questions or make an appointment you requested at a trade fair in which we participate. We may also store information on which product related information you downloaded via the secured part of our Website.

When we use your personal data for those purposes, we do so because it is necessary for the performance of our contract with you or for our legitimate business interest in communicating with you in accordance with your wishes and expectations. We will also use this data for the purpose of our legitimate interests in accessing appropriate professional advice and in order to ensure we comply with legal obligations to which our business is subject.

For more information about how we use information you send us for recruitment purposes see our section on recruitment.

How long do we keep this information for?

We will only keep your information for as long as is necessary in order to manage your query. We usually keep records of routine queries for six (6) months but in some cases (for example where the query relates to a contract between us, or where we need to obtain legal advice in order to respond to a complaint) we may need to retain a record of our communications for the statutory limitation period.

We will also store information about your download history of product related information via the secured part of our Website for the statutory limitation period.

Who do we share this information with?

We will share your data with our service providers and our professional advisers if this is necessary in order to resolve a query or complaint.

We also share information with our suppliers and service providers where this is necessary to manage ”Sample Request” queries.

Otherwise we will not share your information with any third party unless:

  • we have your permission;
  • we are required to do so by law;
  • this is necessary so that we can enforce our terms of use, rights or property or the rights or property of any third party; or
  • this is (subject to applicable laws) necessary in connection with the sale of our business or its assets (in which case your details will be disclosed to our advisers and any prospective purchaser’s advisers and will be passed to the new owners).

Where do we transfer this information to?

We protect your privacy by entering into EU approved contractual clauses with service providers and our group companies operating outside the EEA. If you require further information about these safeguards, please contact us.


How do we use this data?

We use information you supply in support of your application so that we can consider your application, assess your suitability and conduct eligibility checks where necessary and to the extent permitted by law.

We use your data for the purpose of our legitimate interests in managing our recruitment and so that we can take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract. If a position that is, or may be, of interest to you requires background checks, we will tell you about this.

Where necessary, we will also use this data for the purpose of our legitimate interests in accessing appropriate professional advice and in order to ensure we comply with legal obligations to which our business is subject.

When you apply for a position with us, or submit information in support of your application, we will tell you whether the information we are requesting is essential so that we can progress your application or whether the supply of this information is optional.

With the exception of personal data which we collect and use for the purpose of entering into a contract with you, you can object to our use of the data you have provided at any time.

How long do we keep this information for?

We usually retain information supplied by job applicants for no longer than 6 months following a relevant recruitment decision. If your application is unsuccessful, we may decide to retain your details for longer if we think you may be suitable for another position that may arise within the ABF group in the future but we will only do this if you agree.

If your application is successful, relevant information will be used for the purpose of administering your subsequent employment and will be retained and used in accordance with our employee privacy notice (a copy of which will be provided when you take up your employment).

Who do we share this information with?

Where necessary so that we can manage our recruitment process, we will share your information with our service providers and professional advisers (e.g. recruitment agencies, providers who carry out background checks on our behalf, and if applicable to the role you are applying for, suppliers who run online testing for us).

If we have a reasonable interest in verifying the data you have provided (e.g. if there are indications that they are incorrect) and we have no other means to check this, we may also contact third parties whose details you have supplied so that we can verify information you have supplied in relation to your previous employment and qualifications (to the extent allowed under the applicable laws).

Otherwise we will not share your information with any third party unless:

  • we have your permission (for example in order to share your details with another group company for their recruitment purposes);
  • we are required to do so by law;
  • this is necessary so that we can enforce our terms of use, rights or property or the rights or property of any third party; or
  • this is (subject to applicable laws) necessary in connection with the sale of our business or its assets (in which case your details will be disclosed to our advisers and any prospective purchaser’s advisers and will be passed to the new owners).

Where do we transfer this information to?

We protect your privacy by entering into EU approved contractual clauses with service providers and our group companies operating outside the EEA. If you require further information about these safeguards, please contact us.

Social Media

On our Website, we link to our accounts on the following social media platforms: Twitter, LinkedIn.

The links can be identified by the social media buttons at the bottom of the Website marked with the logo of the provider of the respective social media networks.

If you click on this links, you will be leaving our website. We neither have influence on the collected data and data processing operations conducted by the providers, nor are we aware of the full extent of data collection, the purposes or the retention periods.

Information on the purpose and scope of data collection and its processing by the plug-in provider can be found in the respective data protection policies of these providers, where you will also find further information on your rights and options for privacy protection.

Twitter, Inc., 1355 Market St, Suite 900, San Francisco, California 94103, USA; https://twitter.com/privacy.

LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, California 94043, USA: http://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy.

Information you give us when you sign up for our newsletter or set up an online account or profile

How do we use this data?

You do not have to supply us directly with your personal data when you use our Website. However, some communications, services and facilities can only be provided if you supply us with relevant details. For example, if you sign up for our newsletter or register as a site user you will be asked to provide us with your contact details. If we ask you to supply us with information that is not strictly necessary in order for us to provide you with the communication, service or facility you are interested in, we will make this clear. This might be because it’s useful to us in helping us learn more about our customers or enhance our products and services.

If you do sign up for our newsletter or set up an online account or profile, we will use the personal data you provide:

  • to provide you with newsletters and other promotional information that you request from us;
  • to provide you with specific information about our products and services where you request this;
  • to manage your online account; and
  • to notify you about changes to our services.

When we use your personal data for these purposes, we do so for our legitimate interests in managing and administering online accounts and for our legitimate business interests in developing and promoting our goods and services and communicating with you in accordance with your wishes and expectations. You can object to our use of your data for these purposes at any time. For further information about the way we use your data for direct marketing purposes see our direct marketing section.

We will also use this data for the purpose of our legitimate interests in accessing appropriate professional advice and in order to ensure we comply with legal obligations to which our business is subject.

How long do we keep this information for?

Information we hold for the purpose of managing your online account or profile is held by us for as long as your account or profile continues to be active.

Information we hold for direct marketing purposes so that we can send you newsletters and other promotional material is held by us for as long as you continue to be interested in receiving our marketing communications. However, you can tell us to stop using your details for marketing purposes at any time by contacting us.

Who do we share this information with?

We share this data where necessary with our suppliers, service providers and professional advisers.

Otherwise we will not share your information with any third party unless:

  • we have your permission;
  • we are required to do so by law;
  • this is necessary so that we can enforce our terms of use, rights or property or the rights or property of any third party; or
  • this is (subject to applicable laws) necessary in connection with the sale of our business or its assets (in which case your details will be disclosed to our advisers and any prospective purchaser’s advisers and will be passed to the new owners).

Where do we transfer this information to?

Information we collect when you sign up for our newsletter or set up an online account or profile is stored within, and not transferred outside of, the European Economic Area.

Direct Marketing

How do we use this data?

We will use contact details you give us to deliver promotional information that you request or that we feel may interest you. We will also use this information to gain insights into the needs and interests of our customer base and to evaluate the effectiveness of our marketing activities.

We will only contact you for marketing purposes by email if you have consented to this.

When we use your data for our direct marketing purposes we do so for our legitimate interests in promoting our business and the goods and services we offer. 

How long do we keep this information for?

We keep information for direct marketing purposes for as long as you continue to be interested in receiving our marketing communications.

You can tell us to stop using your details for marketing purposes by contacting us and can opt out of email marketing at any time by using our unsubscribe feature or, if you are a registered user, by editing the settings on the respective marketing preferences page of your profile.

Who do we share this information with?

Where necessary we share this data with our suppliers and service providers.

Otherwise we will not share your information with any third party unless:

  • we have your permission;
  • we are required to do so by law;
  • this is necessary so that we can enforce our terms of use, rights or property or the rights or property of any third party; or
  • this is (subject to applicable laws) necessary in connection with the sale of our business or its assets (in which case your details will be disclosed to our advisers and any prospective purchaser’s advisers and will be passed to the new owners).

Where do we transfer this information to?

Information we hold for direct marketing purposes is stored within, and not transferred outside of, the European Economic Area.

Your Rights

You can ask us at any time to provide you with a copy of your personal data. In relation to personal data you have supplied to us, and which is held by us for the purpose of entering into a contract between us or on the basis of your consent, you are entitled to ask us for a copy of this information in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format so that you can reuse it or share it with other organisations.

If you think the personal data we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you can ask us to correct it or complete it.

In some circumstances you also have the right to object to our processing of your data and can ask us to restrict our use of your data and to delete it.

If we ask for your consent so that we can use your data for a particular purpose, you are free to withdraw your consent at any time and we will tell you how you can do this.

There are some exceptions to these rights, however. For example, it will not be possible for us to delete your data if we are required by law to keep it or if we hold it in connection with a contract with you. Similarly, access to your data may be refused if making the information available would reveal personal information about another person or if we are legally prevented from disclosing such information.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights you should contact us.

Contacting us and your rights of complaint

Questions, comments or requests concerning this privacy notice are welcomed and should be addressed to our Data protection officer at [email protected].

If you have a concern about the way we handle your personal data you have the right to complain to the Data Protection Authority of Hamburg. You can find details of how to do this on their website at https://www.datenschutz-hamburg.de