
酵母细胞壁天然富含甘露聚糖和 β-葡聚糖,这两种化合物具有已知的改善健康的特性。

酵母细胞壁是两种活性成分的丰富来源:β-葡聚糖和甘露糖蛋白。它们具有改善健康的特性。酵母 β-葡聚糖是改善先天性(非特异性)适应性免疫反应的免疫调节化合物。甘露寡糖能够结合各种肠道病原体并限制它们的定植。这些特性使得 Ohly 酵母细胞壁(衍生)产品非常适合于动物营养应用。

Talk to us

To learn more about how yeast beta-glucans and mannan-oligosaccharides could help improve your animal feed and performance, please click the button below to call or send us a message.

Why is Ohly a popular choice for animal feed applications?

As a maker of yeast products, our history goes back almost 200 years. In that time, we’ve never stopped refining and innovating, perfecting existing products and creating new ones to meet consumer demands. It’s this spirit of continuous development that drives our talented teams on – to find new ways of supporting animal health.

Our commitment to expanding our expertise means that we fully embrace technology at every opportunity, harnessing it to become ever more efficient and sustainable.

At the same time, we apply the most rigorous quality control methods to guarantee your products are of the very highest quality. You can trust us to deliver excellence – time after time.