Ohly brings a flavour of the company to TUHH students


Students and academics from Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) were given an insight into internship and job opportunities with Ohly at the TUHH Industrial Experience Day in July.

Ohly sponsored the students’ and professors’ barbecue with a stand at the event, bringing lemonade made from the company’s lemon powder and giving a live demonstration of flavour powders for steaks.

“This was a great way to show everyone what Ohly does in an informal setting by giving them something they can actually taste and smell,” said Lene Kruse, Global HR Director Ohly . “The students were fascinated with our products and even though some of them didn’t know much about Ohly, they asked us a lot of questions so they could find out more about our company.

“We’re always seeking out new talent and this event gave us a terrific opportunity to talk directly to students about the many ways we could all work together in the future.”

Students and academics who came along to the event have been invited to meet with the Ohly teams to discuss a range of options for joint projects that will help the company to develop new processes and bring even healthier products to the market.